Delay settings in DO and DI points in IEC and HTML pages

It is possible to add changeable start/stop delays to FX user interface using IEC function

It is possible to use new FX feature (IEC function) which allows user to change DI / DO / Alarm start / stop delays direclty from HTML page interface.

Functionality is available from version 10.92

LockState value = 100 changes "on delay"

LockState value = 101 changes "off delay"

Example 1:

(*** IEC program:  ***)

IntVariable := SetDigitalPointF( Value:=180, LockState:=100, Name:= 'TE01_LLA') ;

(*** Sets start delay of 180 seconds to the Digital point (or Alarm point) with point ID
'TE01_LLA' ***)

 Example 2:

(*** IEC program: ***)

intStopDelay := GetDigitalPointF( Name := 'TE01_LLA_STOP_FI' ) ;

IntVariable := SetDigitalPointF( Value:= intStopDelay, LockState:=101, Name:= 'TE01_LLA') ;

(*** Gets value from user defined point 'TE01_LLA_STOP_FI' as stop dealy in seconds.
Sets stop delay to the Digital point (or Alarm point) with point ID 'TE01_LLA' ***)